Part of the central nervous system. It contained within the cranium.

Cerebrum: The largest portion of the brain, left and right hemispheres, controls muscles, interprets general senses, sight & hearing, intellect, memory, and emotional reactions.

Ventricles: spaces filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Cerebellum: assist in the coordination of skeletal muscles & maintain balance.

Brainstem: Connects the brain with the spine.

 It is an essential part of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the cerebellum and brainstem and acts as a control center.

Medulla oblongata: Contains centers that control respiration, heart rate, and the muscles in the blood vessel walls.

Spinal cord: Passes through the vertebral canal, conducts nerve impulses, initiates reflex action to sensory information without input from the brain.
Spinal Cord

Three membranous layers (dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater) that cover the brain and spinal cord.

Dura mater: It is a thick and tough membrane outer layer of the meninges(brain and spinal cord).

Arachnoid mater: Delicate the middle layer of the meninges.

Pia mater: Thin inner layer of the meninges.

Nerve cell: It is a  Cord-like structure also known as neurons. It carries impulses from one part of the body to another. There are 12 cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves.

Nerve cell

Ganglion: Group of nerve cells located in the peripheral nervous system.

Cerebellitis: Inflammation of the cerebellum.

Cerebral thrombosis: Clot in the cerebrum.

Duritis: Inflammation of the dura mater.

Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain.

Encephalomalacia: Softening of the brain.

Meningitis: Inflammation of the meninges.

Neuralgia/Neurodynia: Pain in a nerve.

Neuritis: Inflammation of the nerve.

Neuroma: Neoplasm derived from cells of the nervous system

Poliomyelitis: It is also known as gray matter myelitis, inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord due to infection.

Radiculitis: Inflammation of the nerve roots.

Subdural hematoma: Due to injury collection of blood or blood tumor below the dura matter.

Alzheimer’s disease: A progressive degenerative disease of the brain that causes impairment of memory and dementia manifested by confusion, loss of recognition of a person or familiar surroundings, visual-spatial disorientation, inability to calculate, and deterioration of judgment, and restlessness.

Bell’s palsy: Temporary one side facial paralysis or weakness. 

Cerebrovascular accident: Interruption of blood supply to the brain caused by cerebral thrombosis, embolism, or hemorrhage.

Epilepsy: Recurring seizures.

Parkinson’s Disease: Brain disorder -a chronic degenerative disease of the CNS. 
Symptoms include muscular tremors, rigidity, expressionless face, and shuffling gait.

Psychosis: Mental disorder, extreme derangement often with delusions and hallucinations.

Sciatica: Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, causing pain from the thigh to the foot and toes.

Transient ischemic attack: Inadequate supply of blood to the brain for a short time.TIA is a warning sign of a Stroke.

Ganglionectomy: Excision of a ganglion.

Neurectomy: Excision of a nerve.

Neurolysis: Destruction of nerve tissue.

Neuroplasty: Surgical repair of a nerve.

Neurotomy: Incision into a nerve.

Cerebral angiography: Taking X-ray-of the blood vessels of the brain.

Myelogram: X-ray film of the spinal cord.

Echoencephalography: Process of recording the brain by use of sound.

Electroencephalogram/EEG: Record and evaluate the electrical activity of the brain. With the instrument Electroencephalograph and the process of recording is Electroencephalography.

Lumbar puncture: Insertion of a needle into the subarachnoid space to remove CSF for diagnostic purposes.

Anesthesia: Loss of feeling or sensation.

Cephalalgia/Headache: Pain in the head.

Dysphasia: Difficulty speaking.

Hemiparesis: Paralysis of half of the body.

Hyperesthesia: Excessive sensitivity.

Monoparesis: Slight paralysis of one limb.

Monoplegia: Paralysis of one limb.

Neurologist: A physician who specializes in Neurology

Neurology: Branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system’s function and disorders.

Psychiatry: Branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of mental disorders.

Psychologist: Specialist in the study of Psychology.

Psychiatrist: A physician who treats mental disorders.

Quadriplegia/Tetraplegia: Paralysis of four limbs.

Ataxia: Lack of muscle coordination.

Cognitive: Concerning the mental process of comprehension, judgment, memory, and understanding.

Coma: State of profound unconsciousness.

Conscious: Awake, alert, aware of one’s surroundings.

Unconsciousness: State of being unaware and incapable of responding to stimuli.

Convulsion/Seizure: Sudden involuntary contraction of a group of muscles OR a violent spasm or series of jerkings of the face, trunk, or extremities.

Dementia: Mental decline.

Disorientation: A nature of mental confusion as to time, place, or identity.

Gait: Manner or style of walking.

Incoherent: Inadequate to express one’s thoughts or concepts in an exact, intelligible manner.

Paraplegia: Paralysis of both lower extremities and, generally, the lower trunk, caused by damage to the spinal cord.

Syncope: LOS(loss of consciousness) and postural tone due to diminished cerebral blood flow.

Reflex: A reflection. An involuntary reaction in response to a stimulus applied to the periphery and transmitted to the nervous centers of the brain or spinal cord.

Sense Organ – Eyes


Muscle of Eye

Sclera: Outer protective covering of the eye.

Cornea: Transparent anterior part of the sclera.

Choroid: Middle layer of the eye.

Iris: Muscular structure that gives the eye its color, allows light to pass through.

Pupil: Opening in the center of the iris.

Lens: Behind the pupil, focus, and bend light.

Retina: Innermost layer, contains the vision receptors.

Aqueous fluid: Watery liquid found in the interior cavity of the eye.

Anatomy of Eyes

Vitreous fluid: It is also known as vitreous Humour, it is a clear colorless jelly-like fluid between the lens and retina.

Lacrimal glands & ducts: Produce and drain tears.

Optic nerve: Nerve that carries visual impulse from the retina to the brain.

Conjunctiva: Mucous membrane lining the eyelids and anterior portion of the sclera.

Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelid.

Blepharoptosis: Drooping of the eyelid.

Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Dacryocystitis: Inflammation of the tear sac.

Diplopia: Double vision.

Keratitis: Inflammation of the cornea.

Ophthalmalgia: Pain in the eye.

Photophobia: Fear of light, sensitivity to light.

Cataract: Clouding of the lens of the eye.

Glaucoma: Increased intraocular tension.

Hyperopia: Farsightedness.

Myopia: Nearsightedness.

Nyctalopia: Poor vision at night.

Nystagmus: Involuntary, rhythmic movements of the eye.

Strabismus: Squint or crossed eyes.

Blepharoplasty: Surgical repair of the eyelid.

Iridectomy: Excision of part of the iris.

Keratoplasty: Surgical repair of the cornea.

Vitrectomy: Surgically removal of all or part of the vitreous fluid.

Ophthalmoscope: With a help of an instrument, visual examination of the eye.

Binocular: Pertaining to both eyes.

Intraocular: pertaining to within the eye.

Ophthalmologist: A physician who specializes in ophthalmology.

Optic: Pertaining to vision.

Optician: One who is skilled in filling prescriptions for lenses.

Retinopathy: Noninflammatory disease of the retina.

Miotic: An agent that constricts the pupil.

Mydriatic: An agent that dilates the pupil.

Dacryocyst: Lacrimal sac (tear sac)

Optometrist: A health professional who prescribes corrective lenses.

Visual Acuity: sharpness of vision of either distance or nearness.

Sense Organ - Ears

Anatomy of Ear.

Auricle/Pinna: The projecting shell-like structure on either side of the head.

Tympanic membrane: Eardrum, semitransparent membrane that separates the external meatus and the middle ear cavity.


Tympanic Membrane

Eustachian tube:
 It is a canal that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx.

Ossicles: Bones (malleus, incus, and stapes) of the middle ear, which carry sound vibrations.

Cochlea: Snail shaped, contains the organ of hearing.

Labyrinthitis: Inflammation of the labyrinth.

Mastoiditis: Inflammation of the mastoid bone.

Myringitis/Tympanitis: Inflammation of the eardrum.

Otalgia: Pain in the ear.

Otopyorrhea: Discharge of pus from the ear.

Meniere’s disease: Chronic disease of the inner ear, dizziness, and ringing in the ear.

Otitis externa: Inflammation of the outer ear.

Otitis media: Inflammation of the middle ear.

Tinnitus: Ringing in the ears.

Vertigo: Dizziness.

Labyrinthectomy: Excision of the labyrinth.

Mastoidectomy: Excision of the mastoid bone.

Myringoplasty: Surgical repair of the tympanic membrane.

Myringotomy: Surgical procedure to release the pus and relieve the pressure in the middle ear. 

Tympanoplasty: Surgical repair of the eardrum.

Audiogram: Graphic record of the hearing.

Audiometry: Measurement of hearing.

Otoscopy: Visual examination of the ear.

Tympanometer: Instrument to measure middle ear functions.

Audiology: Study of hearing.

Audiologist: One who specializes in audiology.

Otology: Study of the ear.

Otorhinolaryngologist: An ENT physician who studies and treats diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, & throat.

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