Medical Terminology

Radiologic examination of female breasts to screen for cancer

Tumors Types:

1. Carcinoma - Cancerous tumor
2. Epithelioma - tumor of the epithelium
3. Fibroma - tumor of fibrous tissue
4. Leiomyoma - tumor of smooth muscle.
5. Lipoma - benign tumor of fat.
6. Liposarcoma - a malignant tumor of fat.
7. Melanoma - black-colored tumor of the skin
8. Myoma - tumor of muscle
9. Sarcoma - highly malignant, composed of connective tissue

Microbiology-Study of microorganisms. Eg: Fungi, Algae, Virus, Bacteria, etc.

Bacteriology: Study of Bacteria.

Virology: Study of a virus.

Mycology: Study of Fungi.

Benign: Not malignant, good.

Malignant: Become progressively worse, bad.

Cancer (carcinoma) in situ: Cancer in early stage, before invading surrounding tissue.

Remission: Improvement in signs & symptoms or absence of signs & symptoms.

Chemotherapy: Treatment of drugs.

Idiopathic: Disease of unknown origin.

Homeostasis: Maintenance of a constant internal environment.

Shunt: To bypass or divert. A connector that allows blood to flow between 2 locations.

Catheter: A flexible tube-like device used to withdraw or instill fluids.

Insertion of a tube.

Fulguration: Destruction of living tissue using an electric spark to remove growths.

Exenteration: Removal of internal organs from a cavity. Ex: Pelvic exenteration.

Percussion: Tapping (a diagnostic technique).

Meatus: Opening or passage. Ex: Urinary meatus.

Lavage: Washing out an organ. Ex: bronchoalveolar lavage.

Fluid secreted by membranes.

Cavity: Cavity is a hollow space within the body that contains organs.

Aspiration: Withdrawing fluid.

Artificial replacement of an absent body part

Ablation: Removal of a body part or destruction of its function by surgical procedure.

Avulsion: Forceful tearing away of part of the body

Cauterization: Using heat / chemical / electric current to destroy tissue.

Cryosurgery/Cryocauterization: A procedure in which freezing temperature is used to destroy a tissue

Biopsy: A tissue is removed and is examined microscopically.

Allergy: Hypersensitivity to a substance.

Virus: An infectious agent.

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