Required components between 76805 AND 76811

Ultrasound Foetus- Required components between 76805 and  76811
Ultrasound Foetus



76811 is a speciality code it is not for the routine check-up. It is for special circumstances like suspected fetal anatomic, genetic abnormality exp: (previous Anomalous foetus normal scan this pregnancy etc), or increased risk for fetal abnormalities such as (advanced maternal age diabetes fetus foetus at risk due to teratogen or genetic abnormal prenatal screening). Exam performed by special expertise in fetal anomaly detection and counting.

The American Institute of ultrasound in medicine(AIUM) and the society of maternal-fetal Medicine (SMFM), American College of obstetricians and gynaecologists, American College of osteopathic obstetrician and gynaecologist, American College of radiology, The society of diagnostic medical sonography and The society of radiologist in ultrasound proposed the appropriate indication, components and qualification for more information for performing detailed fetal anatomic ultrasound examinations for 76811 are. 

1-Previous foetus or child with congenital genetic or chromosome abnormality

2-No not suspected fetal anomaly or non-group disorder in the current pregnancy

3-Foetus at increased risk for the congenital anomaly-
  • Maternal traditional diabetes for gestational diabetes diagnosed before 24 weeks gestation
  • Pregnancy conceived by assisted reproductive technology
  • Maternal BMI and greater or equal to 35 kg/m2
  • Multiple gestations
  • Abnormal maternal serum analytes including alpha-fetoprotein level and unconjugated estriol
  • Teratogen exposure
  • First-trimester nuchal translucency measurement>or =3.0mm
  • Foetus at increased risk for genetic or chromosomal abnormality such as
  1. Parental carrier of chromosomal or genetic abnormality
  2. Maternal age,>or 35 years at delivery
  3. Positive screening test for aneuploidy, including NIPT.
  4. Soft aneuploidy marker noted on Ultrasound
  5. First-trimester nuchal translucency,>or=3.0mm
4-Other conditions affecting the foetus including:-
  • Congenital infection
  • Maternal drug dependence
  • Iso immunization
  • Oligohydramnios
  • Polyhydramnios
Required components between 76805 AND 76811
“routine screening ultrasound” at approximately 16-2076811 requires all of the components of 76805, plus the following.
weeks gestation on a low-risk pregnancy.asterisk (*) are performed when medically indicated.

Head and neck:Head and neck:
Lateral cerebral ventriclesThird ventricle and fourth ventricle*
Choroid plexusCorpus callosum*
Midline falxIntegrity and shape of cranial vault
Cavum septi pellucidiBrain parenchyma
Cisterna magna
Upper lipProfile

Coronal face (nose/lips/lens*)

Palate* maxilla, mandible, and tongue*

Ear position and size*

Cardiac activityAortic arch
Four chamber viewSuperior vena cava/Inferior vena cava
Left ventricular outflow tractThree vessel and trachea view
Right ventricular outflow tractLungs

Integrity of diaphragm

Stomach (presence, size, and situs)Bowel – small and large*
KidneysAdrenal glands*
Urinary bladderGallbladder*
Cord insertion site into fetal abdomenLiver
Umbilical cord vessel numberRenal arteries*

CervicalShape and curvature
Sacral spine
LegsNumber: Architecture and position


Digits: Number and position*
Placenta locationMasses
Relationship to internal osPlacental cord insertion
AppearanceAccessory/Succenturiate lobe with location of connecting vascular supply to primary placenta*
Placental cord insertion (when possible)
Standard evaluation:
Fetal number
Qualitative or semi-qualitative estimate of amniotic fluid
Head circumferenceInner and outer orbital diameters*
Femur lengthNuchal thickness (16-20 weeks)
Abdominal circumferenceNasal bone measurement (15-22 weeks)
Fetal weight estimateHumerus*
Maternal anatomy:Ulna/Radius*
Cervix (transvaginal when indicated)Tibia/Fibula*

Note: If any of the required components not visible, the circumstances must clearly mention in a report to requirements or billing the services.

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