

Pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of gas into the pleural space. This can cause abnormal breathing and collapse of the lung.

Two types of pneumothorax are primary and secondary pneumothorax. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax(PSP) occur chest pain and mile breathless. Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax(SSP) causes hypoxemia sinus hypercapnia and confusion.

Cause of SSP(Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax):-

  1. COPD

  2. Infection of lung pneumonia

  3. Cancer of lung

Traumatic pneumothorax occurs mostly due to pierced wound. Such as a gunshot wound or stab wound. Tension pneumothorax occurs due to respiratory distress chest pain, tachycardia, or tachypnea.

Sign and symptom:-

  1. chest pain

  2. Breathlessness

  3. Dyspnea

  4. Hypoxia

  5. Hypercapnia

Pneumothorax chest Xray
Pneumothorax Chest Xray



CT thorax.

Ultrasound chest: ultrasound chest is more sensitive than X-Ray for the identification of pneumothorax after trauma to the chest.


Depend on a number of factors mostly needle decompression or insertion of a chest tube. Treatment is determined by the severity of symptoms and indicators of acute illness, the presence of underlying lung disease, the estimated size of the pneumothorax on X-ray. Chest tube (intercostal drainage) inserted into the chest wall for drainage. Mechanical ventilation aspiration and surgical Management like pleurodesis disease is a procedure that permanently obliterates the pleural space and attaches the lung to the chest wall.

ICD 10 Codes are:-

  • J93.0 
       Spontaneous tension pneumothorax
  • J93.11 
     Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
  • J93.12 
     Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
  • J93.81 
     Chronic pneumothorax
  • J93.82 
     Other air leak
  • J93.83 
     Other pneumothorax
  • J93.9 
        Pneumothorax, unspecified
  • J95.811 
    Postprocedural pneumothorax
  • J95.812 
    Postprocedural air leak
  • J98.2 
         Interstitial emphysema
  • S27.0XXA 
     Traumatic pneumothorax, initial encounter
  • S27.1XXA 
     Traumatic hemothorax, initial encounter
  • S27.2XXA 
     Traumatic hemopneumothorax, initial encounter
  • T79.7XXA 
     Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema, initial encounter

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